FAQsInspiring Happier Snackers!

What are LUPINS?

Lupins are Legume Beans and belong to the same family as Lentils, Chickpeas, Peas, Beans, Soybeans & Peanuts. 

Where are the majority of lupins grown?

The Western Australian agricultural region in Australia produces around 80% of the global lupin supply.

Are Lupins suitable for vegetarians, vegans and other plant-based dietary lifestyles?

Yes. Lupins are one of the world’s richest sources of combined protein (40%) and dietary fibre (37%), Lupins are the perfect plant-based alternative to animal products.

Are Lupins safe for people with gluten and dairy intolerance?

Yes. Lupins contain absolutely no gluten or dairy making them ideal for people with coeliac disease, lactose intolerance and other gluten related dietary issues.

Are Lupins toxic? Not our Australian Lupins!

Lupins have been used as a food for humans and livestock for over 2000 years, however a long “de-bittering” or “brining” process was necessary to remove alkaloids (bitter tasting, mild toxins) that occur in traditional (Mediterranean) as well as New World (Americas) lupin varieties. However, over the last 60 years Australian plant breeders have developed very low-alkaloid varieties (Australian Sweet Lupins) which have been selectively developed for human consumption. These varieties do not need any ‘de-bittering’ process and are so safe they can be consumed raw!

Are Lupins suitable for diabetics?

Yes. Diabesity (diabetes in the context of obesity) is a serious thing and the leading cause of chronic disease in the 21st century. Low carb foods like Lupin are great for glucose management, which can help to prevent nasties like diabesity, heart disease and high blood pressure. 

What is the allergen status of lupin?

Lupin, like other protein containing foods (e.g. peanut, soybean) may trigger an allergic reaction in a small percentage of the overall population. Some people who are allergic to peanuts may also react to lupin. If you know or think you are allergic to lupin, it is important that you visit your doctor and ask for a referral to a clinical immunology/allergy specialist.

Source: Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy 

What is protein?

Protein is one of three macronutrients (others are fats and carbohydrates) and are an essential nutrient to sustain life. Proteins are made up of chains of smaller chemicals called amino acids. The human body cannot store amino acids, so it must be supplied daily from the foods we eat.

The amount of protein you need in your diet depends on your weight, age and health. As a rough guide, the recommended dietary intake (RDI) for protein (measured in grams per kilogram of bodyweight) is:

0.75 g/kg for adult women

0.84 g/kg for adult men

Around 1 g/kg for pregnant and breastfeeding women, and for men and women over 70 years.

For example, a 75 kg adult male would need 63 g of protein per day. It is recommended that 15 to 25 per cent of total energy intake per day is from protein sources. The human body can’t store protein and will excrete any excess. Therefore, the most effective way of using the daily protein requirement is to eat small amounts at every meal. Using the example of the ‘average’ 75 kg male above, this would require that he eats approximately 21 g of protein at three meals each day.

Source: Better Health Channel, Australia

Too much protein can be harmful to your health, so remember to consult your medical specialist for advice specific to your individual circumstances.

Individuals and professional athletes who are regularly participating in physical training and sport activities should consult their medical or nutrition specialist, for their individual recommended dietary intake (RDI) for protein. 

What is dietary fibre?

Dietary fibres are undigestible carbohydrates that are passed through to the large intestine providing our healthy gut flora with the food they need to flourish. Not all fibres are created equal and they perform different roles in the gut. Soluble fibres slow down digestion and are good for cholesterol lowering, insoluble fibres are great for regularity and prebiotic fibres are very beneficial for stimulating the growth of friendly bacteria. Lupin fibre is unique in that it acts as soluble, insoluble and prebiotic fibre. 

How much fibre should I eat each day?

Doctors recommend that women and men consume at least 25g and 30g of fibre per day, respectively. A standard 40g serve (or 4 tablespoons) of Lupin flour can provide 14.8g of fibre and 16g of protein. 

What are the health benefits of eating a diet high in fibre?

Dietary fibre offers many health benefits, including potentially reducing the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and certain gastrointestinal disorders. Adequate intakes of dietary fibre may also improve blood lipid profiles, reduce blood pressure, improve glycaemic control, improve laxation, promote weight loss and improve immune function. 

What is a prebiotic fibre?

A prebiotic is a type of fibre. To be classified as a prebiotic, the fibre must pass through the digestive system undigested and stimulate the growth and/or activity of certain ‘good’ bacteria in the large intestine. Prebiotic fibres include fructans and galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and the cell wall material of the lupin. 

How can I maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in my gut?

One way of increasing the number of good bacteria in the gut is by eating foods that are high in dietary fibre and especially prebiotic fibres. Clinical studies have shown that lupin fibre is exceptional at stimulating the growth of friendly bacteria. 

How do I reduce flatulence or ‘wind’ on a high fibre diet including legumes and pulses?

Some foods such as legumes produce excessive wind. The wind is the result of excessive gas produced through the action of the gut microflora. This often happens when people change from a low fibre diet to include very high fibre foods such as legumes. We recommend you introduce these high fibre foods very gradually over 14 days. This will give your gut and gut bacteria time to adapt to the greater quantity of fibre arriving in the large bowel. 

What are the health benefits of eating a diet high in dietary fibre and especially prebiotic fibres?

Dietary fibre offers many health benefits, including potentially reducing the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and certain gastrointestinal disorders. Adequate intakes of dietary fibre may also improve blood lipid profiles, reduce blood pressure, improve glycaemic control, improve laxation, promote weight loss and improve immune function. 

I have medically diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and have been advised to avoid eating many high prebiotic foods. Are Lupin Food Products right for me? I have medically diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and have been advised to avoid eatin

I have medically diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and have been advised to avoid eating many high prebiotic foods. Are Lupin Food Products right for me? If you have received a diagnosis of IBS from your doctor, you must seek the guidance of a qualified dietitian with experience in this area before incorporating any new foods, including Lupin Food Products, into your diet. 

Are lupins organic?

Currently Lupins are not grown organically.

The soil types (actually sand types) in many parts of Western Australia are not suited for organic farming as the structure will not bind minerals.

As in Australia, lupins are typically grown on “acid-sands”. The lupins are very low input crop and are grown as a nitrogen fixer, offering great benefits to soil health and become productive farming lands. So Australian Sweet Lupins are an integral component for sustainable farming practices. 

Are pesticides, herbicides or heavy metals contamination likely on Lupins?

Australian Lupins are very hardy against insects, they have a very robust pod and a thick outer seed coat, so they are typically not sprayed with pesticides. Both the pod and the outer seed coat are removed in making our Lupin products, also removing any potential residues that might be present.
Australian Lupins are not a GM crop, they are not a “Round-up ready” or have any resistance to glyphosate. Therefore, they are not sprayed with this chemical while they are growing in the ground
Also please note that the Western Australian Wheatbelt agricultural region- where our lupins are grown has the lowest risk of heavy metal contamination on the planet. https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/plant-biosecurity/chemical-residues-crops
It is purely a cropping system, with less than 1 person per sq. km, there are no intensive manufacturing factories to spew out pollution, no urban pressure with sewerage, and no volcanoes to contaminate via natural sources.